For crises that require immediate assistance, we urge you to call 911, Crisis Response of Santa Fe at 505-820-6333, or visit your nearest Emergency Room. We accept referrals through our confidential intake phone line, which you can reach by calling 505.988.4131, ext. 116. Messages are are checked every weekday and your call will be returned by one of our telephone intake therapists. Please be assured that
we want to help you find a therapist as soon as possible. For more details, please visit Contact Us.
Journey with us through the challenges of life, returning back
to the source of your wholeness
and well-being.
Research in counseling and behavioral health indicate that faith activities and spiritual activities can often help in healing and recovery. We offer our clients the most current mental health best practice approaches and the opportunity for them to integrate religious or spiritual-based counseling.
Fluid Stillness: Photo by Maboud Swierkosz, one of our therapists
The staff at PPCA are taking precautionary safety steps to keep our offices and waiting room as clean as possible.
If you prefer to avoid coming to the office for a face-to-face session
you have the choice to schedule a Telehealth session using your
computer. Also, there is an option to have your session by phone.
To see the safety steps we taking click here.
505 988-4131 ext 16
We strive to integrate professional psychotherapy and spirituality.
These are some written comments by our clients about their experiences with PPCA and our therapists:
"Thank you so much for being here."
"... PPCA saved my life …”
"... a highly skilled, compassionate therapist ..."
"My depression was resolved due to excellent, caring counseling ..."
"... my therapist was on target, helpful, and caring."
"I am extremely grateful for the counseling services provided ..."
Copyright 2013. Psychotherapy & Pastoral Counseling Associates.
All Rights Reserved.